How do the changes affect me?

  • The changes to our policy will apply to all active applications.
  • We expect to finish making all the changes by the end of July 2022.
  • You will not need to make a new application.
  • We will make any changes to your application and your number of points may change.
  • You may need to give us more information to make sure that your application is up-to-date, but we will tell you if this affects you.
  • Your registration date will remain the same.
  • Your log in details will remain the same.

What do I need to do?

  • We are advising all applicants to check that all information on their housing application is accurate and up-to-date.
  • It’s easier to manage your application online – this helps avoid unnecessary delays and keeps your information up-to-date.
  • Please make sure that you tell us about any change in your circumstances.
  • It’s easy to upload your documents straight on to your application and this helps us to deal with you promptly.
  • If you no longer need your housing register application, please contact the Housing Needs team so that we can help other people sooner.

How will the changes affect me?

  • Your points may increase or decrease.
  • Some applicants will no longer qualify to join the housing register.
  • We are updating our medical assessment form and process:
    • If you have a long-term medical condition that affects the type of home you need, you must complete our online form. 
    • It’s easy to upload your supporting evidence. 
    • If you are unable to complete our online form, please consider asking friends and family to help you.
    • If you still need help to complete the online form, please contact the housing needs team. 
  • We have removed any applicants who:
    • Have been on our active register for two years or more but have not bid on any homes during that time.
    • Have been suspended from the active register and:
      • are not on the direct offer list.
      • have not actively engaged with the service for two years or more.