Housing Register Statistics

Below is our data as of May 2022 on the current position with applicants in relation to our Housing Register. This is to enable you to understand the demand for housing and to be realistic about the chance of successfully being offered accommodation via the Councils Housing Register.

Households that are active to bid, broken down by bedroom need

Active Applicants by housing status

Applicants awaiting a Direct Offer of accommodation for an Adapted property 

Homeless Applicants who have a Main Housing duty Owed, awaiting a direct offer of accommodation

How many households are bidding on housing?

  • Approximately 2520 households are active to bid on the Housing Register.
  • On average, we let around 400 - 600 empty homes each year through our choice-based lettings scheme.

How many households are registered for a Direct Offer of accommodation for an Adapted Property?

  • Approximately 95 households are registered for a Direct Offer of accommodation that is an Adapted Property.
  • On average, we make around 5 Direct Offers each year.

How many households are registered for a Direct Offer of accommodation following a Homeless Application and receiving the Main Housing duty? 

  • Approximately 36 households are registered for a Direct Offer of accommodation after receiving a Main Housing Duty.
  • On average, we make around 78 Direct Offers as a Homeless Duty.